If you are already a Stream Team Association you have the opportunity to join Stream Teams United. Becoming involved with us will benefit your efforts in many ways.

Your Benefits
- Board Representation- your Association will have the opportunity to be represented on the board of directors
- 501(c)(3) status – If your Association does not have its own 501(c)(3) status; you can utilize Stream Team United’s status when receiving donations or grant funding
- Access to the Nonpoint Source Educational Display- Associations are typically very active at educational events that holds great opportunity to educate the public about water quality issues. As an Association you can utilize our indoor/outdoor non-point source display that illustrates by doing simple things you can reduce nonpoint source pollution entering into our waterways.
- Mass Email System- Associations have access to utilize our mass emailing system that allows creation of professional emails to market your events and programs.
- Utilization of the “Revolving Tire Fund” program.
- Eligible for Association grants through Stream Teams United.