We are excited to share some big news this week: Stream Teams United is one of forty nonprofits to win a $5,000 grant through the MTN DEW Outdoor Grants program! Awarded in support of our ongoing commitment to the outdoor experience, the grant reinforces the important work we are doing to host four educational river adventures in our Paddle MO 2022 programs. Over the past 18 months, more and more people have been gravitating towards outdoor activities, creating a greater need for volunteer efforts and funding to promote expanded conservation, education, and restoration. It’s crucial that we all do our part to protect and preserve the lands we love and enable people to continue to get outside. The funds and ongoing support of Paddle MO partners go a long way to help us provide the best educators and support crew for our Paddle MO river adventures. #MTNDewOutdoorGrants #GreatRiversState #PaddleMO
Thank you to the Stream Team volunteers, partners, and sponsors, who assist as our Paddle MO crew, as we move into 2022 and continue to work towards hosting these one-of-a-kind river adventures in our #GreatRiverState! Hear what past participants have said about their Paddle MO experience:
Missouri Humanities Council awards grant for “Discovering River Towns with Paddle MO – Ozark Hills to St. Joe”
The Missouri Humanities Council (MHC) has awarded a grant of $4,853 to the Missouri Stream Team Watershed Coalition in support of the project “Discovering River Towns with Paddle MO – Ozark Hills to St. Joe”. The MHC is the only state wide agency in Missouri devoted exclusively to humanities education for citizens of all ages. It has served as a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities since 1971. The inaugural Paddle MO Ozarks program will be held October 12-14, 2019. Paddle MO Ozarks is an educational journey down 22 miles of the Current River, beginning at Cedar Grove and ending at Current River State Park. Participants travel by canoe or kayak over three days. Along the way, participants stop at river sites where historical and scientific experts share about the history, culture, and ecology of the river. Pre-registration is required. Lead river guides include professional canoe instructors and educators from Earth’s Classroom. Paddle MO is hosted by the Missouri Stream Team Watershed Coalition (D/B/A Stream Teams United), the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 1999 that promotes the stewardship of streams in Missouri and brings together 21 volunteer Stream Team Associations from across the state. Paddle MO Ozarks sponsors, grantors, and partners also include the L-A-D Foundation, the Conservation Federation of Missouri’s David Risberg Memorial Affiliate Grant, the Conservation Foundation of Missouri Charitable Trust, Ozark National Scenic Riverways, and Current River State Park. The inaugural Paddle MO journey was hosted in 2016 and has consisted of a 5-day, 100-mile journey between Hermann, Missouri and the confluence of the Mississippi River. Through support from the Missouri Humanities Council grant award, Stream Teams United will evaluate and plan for a future Paddle MO trip on the Missouri River between St. Joseph and Kansas City, Missouri. For more information about Paddle MO, visit https://www.paddlemo.org/, call 573-586-0747, or write to Stream Teams United at PO Box 483, Shelbina, MO 63468. For more information about the grants program of the Missouri Humanities Council, call 314-781-9660 or 800-357-0909 or write to the MHC, 415 S. 18th Street, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63103-2269. Missouri Humanities Council awards grant for “Paddle MO 2019 – Exploring the Culture and History of the Missouri River”
The Missouri Humanities Council (MHC) has awarded a grant of $2,500 to the Missouri Stream Team Watershed Coalition in support of the project “Paddle MO 2019 – Exploring the Culture and History of the Missouri River”. The MHC is the only state wide agency in Missouri devoted exclusively to humanities education for citizens of all ages. It has served as a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities since 1971. Paddle MO 2019 will be held September 21-25. Paddle MO is an educational journey down the last 100 miles of the Missouri River, beginning at Hermann and ending at the confluence with the Mississippi River. Participants travel by canoe or kayak over five days and float through the confluence with the Mississippi River during the last mile of the trip. Along the way, participants stop at the historic river towns of New Haven, Washington, Augusta, and St. Charles. Participants travel together and stop at locations along the route where scientists and historians provide presentations about the ecology and history of the river valley. This year’s journey will have a special focus on the Native American history of the Missouri River Valley, the German heritage of the Missouri River towns along the route, and historical details from the Lewis and Clark journey, including how the Missouri River has changed in the last 200 years. The program will include a presentation by educators dressed in authentic period clothing representing Native Americans and French traders from the years 1740 – 1820, discussion of important historical landmarks and sites of interest related to the Lewis and Clark journey, a presentation by Missouri River Relief entitled “The Only Constant On the Missouri River is Change”, and songs and stories of the Missouri River and local history. The MHC grant for this project includes honoraria, travel expenses, and meeting space for educators. The Paddle MO route covers between 12 to 27 miles each day during only daylight hours. Lead river guides include professional canoe instructors and educators from Earth’s Classroom. Participants are also accompanied by a motorized safety boat provided by Missouri River Relief. This year’s event will have over 75 total participants, including over 20 support staff. The daily route for this year’s journey is: Saturday, September 21st – Hermann, MO to New Haven, MO Sunday, September 22nd – New Haven, MO to Augusta, MO Monday, September 23rd – Augusta, MO to St. Charles, MO Tuesday, September 24th – St. Charles, MO to Florissant, MO Wednesday, September 25th – Florissant, MO to Columbia Bottom Conservation Area This is the 4th annual Paddle MO trip and is hosted by the Missouri Stream Team Watershed Coalition (D/B/A Stream Teams United), the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 1999 that promotes the stewardship of streams in Missouri and brings together 21 volunteer Stream Team Associations from across the state. 2019 sponsors, grantors, and partners also include Missouri American Water Company, Magnificent Missouri, Patagonia, Alpine Shop, and the Missouri Department of Conservation. For more information about Paddle MO, visit https://www.paddlemo.org/, call 573-586-0747, or write to Stream Teams United at PO Box 483, Shelbina, MO 63468. For more information about the grants program of the Missouri Humanities Council, call 314-781-9660 or 800-357-0909 or write to the MHC, 415 S. 18th Street, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63103-2269. 2019 Missouri Legislative Watchlist
Stream Teams United’s Legislative Watchlist includes bills that may be of interest to the Missouri Stream Team Community, due to the relevance of the bill to state water resources, aquatic life, or other natural resources within the state. Some bills on this list may have a positive impact on state water resources, while other bills may have a potential negative impact to our natural resources. Our watchlist provides an opportunity for Missouri Stream Teams and other interested citizens to become informed about the bills that may affect water and natural resources in the state. When a bill of particular interest has a public hearing or progresses through the legislature for voting, we will attempt to provide “Issue Alerts” to the Stream Team Community. If there are any bills that are not on our watchlist that you think should be, email us at [email protected]. We want your input – take the all Stream Team Survey
Stream Teams United is asking all Stream Team volunteers to take a short on-line survey. In 2018, we are updating our goals for Education, Advocacy, Sustainable Funding, and Technical Projects for our organization, and we want to hear from you. The survey link is below and will be available until July 29th . The survey should only take 5 to 10 minutes to complete, and you will be entered to win a double walled stainless steel water bottle with our logo on it.. Don’t wait – go on-line and take the survey today! |
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